PhD student Aliaksei Aliakseyeu was selected as an MSEN Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) representative! The MSEN graduate student body elected him to help unify the MSEN student body and share feedback to department leadership. Congratulations, Alex!
Research featured on MSN
Qing and Zhen’s research was featured on MSN! The video, titled “US Army developing self-healing material for ‘Terminator-style’ machines”, can be seen here.
Brito selected for SREB Doctoral Scholars Program
Research featured on Futurity
Qing and Zhen’s recent publication in Advanced Functional Materials is receiving a lot of well-deserved attention!
In addition to the articles on the U.S. Army and TAMU Engineering sites, the research was recently featured in an article on Futurity, titled “Reversible ‘stitches’ give self-healing polymers new powers”.
Additionally, the accompanying YouTube video (see article or previous post) received over 6,000 views! Congratulations to all involved.
Research featured on U.S. Army website
Qing and Zhen’s research was recently featured on the U.S. Army website! The news article, titled “Army researchers explore self-healing materials”, discusses their recent publication in Advanced Functional Materials.
This research was also recently featured on the Texas A&M engineering news website.
Research featured on Texas A&M Engineering news
The research of Ph.D. students Qing Zhou and Zhen Sang was featured on the Texas A&M Engineering news website! The news article, titled “Versatile new material family could build realistic prosthetics, futuristic Army platforms”, discusses their recent publication in Advanced Functional Materials.
Read the news article here.
Graduation of Parvin Karimineghlani, Ph.D. and Yashaswini Karanth, M.S.
New publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Parvin Karimineghlani’s research has been published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. The article, titled “Solvation and diffusion of poly(vinyl alcohol) chains in a hydrated inorganic ionic liquid“, is now available to read online. Congratulations, Parvin!
Brito and Sang pass qualifying exams
New publication in Advanced Functional Materials
PhD student Qing Zhou’s research has been accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. The article, titled “A Tailorable Family of Elastomeric‐to‐Rigid, 3D Printable, Interbonding Polymer Networks“, is now available to read online. Congratulations, Qing!