Raman Hlushko successfully defends dissertation!

Congratulations to Raman Hlushko for successfully defending his dissertation!

Dr. Hlushko earned his degree based on his work on synthetic antioxidant polymers. His dissertation details the synthesis, adsorption, and layer-by-layer assembly of the polyphenolic polymers.

During his doctoral studies, Raman was an author on 6 publications (2 under review; 3 first-author) and 1 patent, in addition to many oral and poster presentations. He also actively volunteered for outreach activities and served as an officer in WIMS.

Zhu and Rajagopalan win Best Poster at ACS Spring 2021

Graduate students Xiuzhu Zhu and Kartik Kumar Rajagopalan won a Best Poster Award at the 2021 ACS Spring National Meeting!

The poster, titled “Temperature-responsive, tunable poly(vinyl alcohol)-borax salogels for shape stabilization of an inorganic phase change material”, was one of three distinguished posters in the PMSE division.

Congratulations, Xiuzhu and Kartik!