PhD student Qing Zhou’s research has been accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. The article, titled “A Tailorable Family of Elastomeric‐to‐Rigid, 3D Printable, Interbonding Polymer Networks“, is now available to read online. Congratulations, Qing!
Research featured on Anthropocene
The research of Hanna, Adwait, Parvin, and Victor is featured on the Anthropocene Magazine website and social media! The news article, titled “Antioxidants from red wine could help cut food waste”, discusses their recent publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Research featured on NSF homepage
The research of Hanna, Adwait, Parvin, and Victor is currently featured on the NSF homepage and at the top of the NSF newsletter! The news article, titled “Nanofibers linked to a red wine chemical could help prevent oxidation”, discusses their recent publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
This research was also recently featured on the Texas A&M engineering news website and has been shared by 9 other news sites.
Zhou and Sang win departmental awards!
Congratulations to PhD students Qing Zhou and Zhen Sang for winning 2020 MSEN awards!
Qing won the Best Paper (Graduate) Award for his recently accepted publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Earlier this year, Qing’s research also ranked second in the U.S. Army’s “Top Ten Science & Technology Advances of 2019”.
Zhen won the Outstanding Teacher Award for his development and guidance of the undergraduate unified materials lab, MSEN 301. His dedication to the course, which taught materials synthesis, structural characterization, and property evaluation, was evident.
Research featured in Texas A&M Engineering news
The research of graduate students Hanna Hlushko and Adwait Gaikwad was featured on the Texas A&M Engineering news website! The news article, titled “Nanofibers linked to a red wine chemical create superior antioxidant materials”, discusses their recent publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Read the news article here.