Graduate student Hanna Hlushko successfully presented her research at the NACE CORROSION conference in Nashville, TN, which took place on March 24-28, 2019. At the conference, Hanna Hlushko presented her research on layer-by-layer polymer coatings of antioxidant polymers for corrosion protection of cold rolled steel with a poster. Additionally, Hanna volunteered at CORROSION: Opportunities Realized Mini-Camp, helping to show the concepts of electroplating to kids from local schools, explain the danger of stray current corrosion for pipelines, and facilitate the discussion about the ways we can protect metal surfaces from corrosion.

Hanna Hlushko presenting her poster at Harvey section of a poster session


Hanna Hlushko volunteering at CORROSION: Opportunities Realized mini-camp
Texas A&M graduate students at the NACE CORROSION conference (from left to right): Jim Chen (Dr. Case group, MSEN), Yenny Cubides (Dr. Castaneda group, MSEN), Hanna Hlushko (Dr. Sukhishvili group, MSEN), and Edna Mendez (Dr. Glover group, CHEN)