- Y. Lu, M. Sarshar, K. Du, T. Chou, Ch.-H. Choi, S.A. Sukhishvili “Large-Amplitude, Reversible, pH-Triggered Wetting Transitions Enabled by Layer-by-Layer Films”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 12617–12623.
- L. Xu, V. Selin, A. Zhuk, J.F. Ankner, S.A. Sukhishvili “Molecular Weight Dependence of Polymer Chain Mobility within Multilayer Films”, ACS Macro Letters 2013, 2, 865-868.
Y. Shi, V. Selin, Y. Wang and S.A. Sukhishvili “Multiresponsive Block Copolymer-Modified “Hairy” Gold Nanoparticles for Remote Control of Interfaces”, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2013, 30, 950-957.
Featured in Materials Views (now Advanced Science News), selected for the cover of the journal.
- Zh. Zhu, N. Gao, H. Wang and S.A. Sukhishvili “ Temperature-triggered On-demand Drug Release Enabled by Hydrogen-Bonded Multilayers of Block Copolymer Micelles”, J. Controlled Release 2013, 171, 73–80.
- P. Pinkhasova, H. Chen, M.W.G.M (Tiny) Verhoeven, S.A. Sukhishvili, and H. Du “Thermally Annealed Ag Nanoparticles on Anodized Aluminium oxide for SERS sensing”, RSC Advances 2013, 3, 17954-17961.
- Y. Lu, A. Zhuk, L. Xu, X. Liang, E. Kharlampieva and S.A. Sukhishvili “Tunable pH and Temperature Response of Weak Polyelectrolyte Brushes: Role of Hydrogen Bonding and Monomer Hydrophobicity”, Soft Matter 2013, 9, 5464-5472.
- A. Zhuk and S.A. Sukhishvili “Stimuli-responsive Layer-by-layer Nanocomposites”, Soft Matter 2013, 9, 5149-5154.
- E. Senses, M. Black, Th. Cunningham, S.A. Sukhishvili, P. Akcora “Spatial Ordering of Colloids in a Drying Aqueous Polymer Droplet”, Langmuir 2013, 29, 2588–2594.
- A. Compagnoni, V. Sharma, Y. Bao, M. Libera, S.A. Sukhishvili, Ph. Bidinger, L. Bioglio, E. Bonelli “Bioscape: A modeling and simulation language for bacteria-materials interactions”, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2013, 293, 35-49.
- A. Zhuk, L. Xu, J.F. Ankner and S.A. Sukhishvili “Selective Water Uptake within Micelle-Containing Layer-by-Layer Films of Various Architectures: a Neutron Reflectometry Study”, Soft Matter 2013, 9, 410–417.